
Email message: what is email, Working of E-mail & how to create account


Description of Email Message:

Email message- In this article, you will learn about Email messaging how it works and what are the advantages of the email…


Email stands for electronic mail. It is the most popular service (or facility ) provided by the internet. We can send and receive messages anywhere in the world one message can be sent to many persons with a single email message takes very short to reach its destination.

Usually, every internet user has an email facility. This facility is also provided free of cost by the most popular websites of the world such as “,,”.

Working of E-mail message:

An email program is used to create, send and to receive emails. This program is also called email client. When you send the email message, your computer connects to an email server and transmits a copy of your message to that email server. Email server is a host computer on the internet. It keeps record of information about millions of email account holders. The server checks the address you have sent and finds out the distinction email server where the email is to be sent . it connects to that server and transmits another copy of the message.

E-mail Address:

E-mail is sent and received with the help of email address. Therefore, each internet user must have an email account on any email server, to send and receive email. E-mail address consists of user name and his address on the internet. The general format of an email address is:


Username : specifies the name of user or organization.

Domain_name: specifies the name of server or ISP (or DNS address) to which the user belongs. For example, “ [email protected]” is email address In which a “stu_softwareengineering” is the name of user and “” is the name of server. You must type the correct email address to send an email, otherwise it is returned back. When someone send email to your email address, it stored in your mailbox. When you login to your account, you will usually be informed if you have new mail. Some mail systems will make sounds and tell you that you have new mail.

E-mail Attachment:

Attachment is a powerful feature of email. It enables you to send additional files with your email message. In this way, you can send and receive message as well as document or program files. You can attach any types of files with email message. These files may include documents, pictures or images, and audio & video files etc. Attachment size varies from one email service provider to the other.

Advantages of E-mail:

There are several advantages or benefits of the email facility available on the internet. The main benefits of email are:

  1. It is extremely fast and reaches to the destination in a few minutes or even in few seconds.
  2. Its cost is very low. It is almost free, even in Pakistan or other country.
  3. One message can be sent to many persons with a single email.
  4. It is available round the clock and round the globe.
  5. You can send and receive email from anywhere in the world.
  6. You can send any type of files via email.
  7. It is also possible to send or receive email message through a mobile phone.
  8. The receiver is not interrupted by the arrival of the email. It is put in the mailbox on the server and he can read it later.
  9. The user’s (receiver’s ) computer may be off when the mail arrives. it is no problem; because, email is put in his mailbox on the server.(i.e. in the account of user created on the specific server).

Limitations of Email:

Although email provides the fast and efficient way to send and receive messages. It also has some limitations or disadvantages.

  1. Email is not necessarily private. Your confidential message may be read by someone such as network administrator.
  2. Some email systems can send or receive text file only.
  3. It is difficult to express emotions using email.
  4. You can receive too much or unwanted emails. These mails are known as junk mails or spam mails.
  5. You may not know about the person with whom you are communication through email.
  6. You can only receive the email message by connecting the internet, if there is any problem in your computer or on the internet then urgent message cannot be received in time.
  7. You can send the email message to person if you have its correct email address.

Free E-mail Account

Although you are provided with the email account when you join any local ISP company. There are also some websites that provide facility to internet users to create their own email account, free of cost. The most popular websites are:

To create new email account on Gmail or any other server, follow these steps:-

  • Open the Gmail website or any other sever.
  • Click the sign-up link for an email account, a registration form will be displayed.
  • Fill the form correctly and send to the server, your email account is created.

After creation of your email account, you are allotted username and password. You can check your email account by entering the correct username and password.  You can also compose and send the email from free email account as well as you can manage your mails. The main difference between email account provided by local ISP and free email account is that;

You can access the free email account from anywhere by opening the website of the free email service provider. On the other hand you can access the email account provided by ISP only after connection to the ISP server through dialing.

Composing and Sending Email Message:

Composing email means to prepare a message that is to be sent. It is composed very easily in any email utility program. The free service also has this facility. When ay one of the email programs is used to prepare the email, a window is opened that has the following elements:

email message

To: It is a text box used to enter the email address of person to whom you want to send mail. More than one email addresses separated with commas can be entered into this box.

Subject: in this textbox the subject or title of the email is written.

CC: CC stands for carbon copy. It is used to write email address of another person.

BCC: BCC stands for blind carbon copy. It is same as CC but email address given in this field is not shown to the other recipients.

Message Box: The main message is typed in this main box.

Send Button: used to send the email.

Delete Button: used to delete the email.

Attaching files: You can attach files of any type with message you compose and send via e-mail. This process is called attaching files. You can send complete software to any on via email. Usually, the files are compressed or zipped using Zip utility program before attaching with email.

To attach a file to an email,  click of the attach icon on the toolbar

email message

A  new message window, insert attachment dialog box will appear as shown below. Select the file you want to attach and click the  attach button. You can attach more than one files by following the same procedure.

email message

Replaying Email Message:

Sending back an email that one has received to the sender person new message is called replaying email. When you select a message sent to you and click on replay icon, Outlook express open a new message window. All the field of the composing window will be filled with the information sent by sender. For example, email address of the sender is filled in “To:” and so on. Type new message and click the send button to send the message.

Forwarding Email Message:

Sending an email message that one has received, to another person is called forwarding email. When you select a message sent to you and click on forward icon outlook express opens a New message window containing the original message. Enter the email address(s) and click the send button to send the message. You can also forward an email message with attached file by choosing  “ Forward As Attachment” from message menu.

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