
JavaScript If, If Else If Statement, Nested If Else, Switch Case Statement

JavaScript if Statement:

The JavaScript if statement is a conditional statement. Is used to execute or to ignore certain statements of the program/script on a conditional basis.

The JavaScript if statement evaluates the given condition. If the given condition is true, the statement (or set of statements) following the JavaScript if  statement is executed. If the given condition is false, the statement (or set of the statement ) following the JavaScript if  statement is ignored ( or skipped) and control transfer directly to the next statement of JavaScript if structure.

The general syntax of JavaScript if  structure for single statement is:

If (expression )




Expression:  Represents the test condition. It may be a relational expression or logical expression. it is used as test condition. If result of the expression is nonzero (true), then “statement-1” is executed otherwise it is ignored (or skipped).

A script is given below to print a message if the value of variable “n” is greater than 100, otherwise, ignore the statement.

JavaScript if

When you put value less than 100 it will show the message “ok” as you can see in the below image.

JavaScript if

And when you put the value greater than 100 it show the message” value is greater than 100” as you can seen in the below image.

JavaScript if

JavaScript if


JavaScript if  Structure with Multiple statements:

You can also execute or ignore more than one statement following the JavaScript if statement. These statements are written within curly braces { } after JavaScript if statement. The set of statements surrounded by braces is called a compound statement.

The syntax to write the compound statement in JavaScript if  structure is:

If (expression)









In the above syntax, the set of statement (from statement-1 to statement-m) represent the compound statement. The statement-n represents the next statement. It comes immediately after the if structure.

A Script is given below to execute a compound statement if the given condition is true, i.e. if the value of ‘a’ is greater than 100

JavaScript if


When you put value less than 100 it will not show any message as you can see in the below image.

JavaScript if

And when you put the value greater than 100 it show the message” value is greater than 100 ok” as you can seen in the below images.

JavaScript if

In the above script, if the entered value of ‘n’ is greater than 100, then the given condition becomes true and the multiple statements enclosed in curly brackets, following the JavaScript if statements are executed. Similarly, if the entered value of ‘n’ is less than or equal to 100, then the given condition becomes false, and the multiple statements following the JavaScript if statement are ignored.

Example write JavaScript code to test whether a given integer is odd or even using simple JavaScript if  structure:


JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

The JavaScript if -else Structure:

The JavaScript if-else structure is used for making two-way decisions. In JavaScript if-else structure, one condition and two blocks of statement are given. Either one of the two blocks of statements is executed after evaluating the given condition.

The JavaScript if-else structure, first the given condition is tested. If the given condition is true, then the first block of statement is executed and the second block of statement is ignored. It the given condition is false, then the first block of statement is ignored and the second block of statements following the keyword else is executed. In any situation, one block is executed and another block is ignored.

The general syntax of simple JavaScript if-else structure is:

If (expression)




In the above syntax, if the result of the expression is non-zero (true), then statement-1 is executed and statement-2 is ignored. Similarly, if the result of the expression is false (zero), then statement -1 is ignored and statement-2 is executed.

In the case of a compound statement, the syntax of JavaScript if-else structure is:

If (expression)








The JavaScript if-else structure may contain a single statement (without curly brackets) on one side and compound statement on another side.

The flowchart of the JavaScript if-else structure is given below.

JavaScript if

A script is given below to find and print the minimum value of two value


JavaScript if

In the above script, the value 10 and 5 are assigned to variable ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively. The JavaScript if statement tests the condition (a<b). if (a<b) is true then the assigned to variable ‘min’. if the condition is false, the value of ‘b’ is ignored and “min=b” is executed. There, the value 5 is assigned to “min”.

Example write JavaScript code to input two values and print these value in ascending order by using ‘JavaScript if-else’ structure:

Enter the 1st value

JavaScript if

Enter the 2nd value

JavaScript if

Final result

JavaScript if

Conditional JavaScript Operator:

The conditional JavaScript Operator is denoted by ? and : signs. It is also used for making two-way decisions. The conditional JavaScript Operator is closely related to the simple ‘JavaScript if-else’ structure. It can be used as an alternative to simple ‘JavaScript if-else’ structure.

The general syntax of conditional JavaScript Operator is :

(condition) ? exp1 : exp2



Represents the condition. It may be a relational or logical expression. if it is true then the computer will take action on “exp1 and “exp2” is ignored. It condition is false, the computer will take action on exp2 and exp1 is ignored.

Exp1, exp2:

Both these expressions may be an arithmetic expression or constant values or variables. Other statements of JavaScript such as input and output statement can also be used in place of exp1 and exp2

It may be noted that the conditional operator takes three operands (i.e. condition, exp1, and exp2). It is a ternary operator.

for example, to test and print whether a given number  ‘ n’ is odd or even, the statement using conditional JavaScript Operator is written as:

(n%2==0)?document.write(“even”):document.write(“odd number”)

A script is given below to find out the minimum number of two numbers using a conditional operator.

JavaScript if

The above script will be executed as:

  • the value 15 and 49 are assigned through assignment statement to variable ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively.
  • The statement “min=(a<y) ? a:b;” will be executed. The test condition (a<b) will be evaluated; it is true because value of ‘a’ is less than b. So value of ‘a will be assigned to variable ‘min’
  • The value 15 will be displayed in browser window as you can see in the above image.

Example write JavaScript code to input a value for the year and test whether it is a leap year or not using conditional operator:

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

Nested if structure:

The JavaScript if the statement is itself a statement and it can be used within another JavaScript if structure. When JavaScript if the structure is used within another JavaScript if structure, it is called nested if structure.

The general form of nested if statement is given as:

If (condition-1)


If (condition-2)





In the above syntax, the JavaScript if statement that has “condition-1” contains another if statement that has “condition-2”. The nested if statement may also contain ‘else’ part.

The JavaScript if statement that contains another statement is referred to as outer JavaScript if statement, while the JavaScript if statement used inside if (nested if statement) is referred to as inner if statement. The nested if statement will be executed only if the outer if statement (that contains the nested if statement) is true.

For example, to check whether the value of variable ‘a’ is greater than the value of variables ‘b’ and ‘c’, the set of the statement is



Document.write(“a is greater than b and c”);

In the above code, the JavaScript if structure that has relational expression (a>c) is a nested JavaScript if structure. It comes inside the if structure that has relational expression (a>b).

Example write JavaScript code to input three values. Find out the greatest value using nested if statement:


JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

Example write JavaScript code to find out the grade of a student base on the average marks obtained in three subjects:

The grade is calculated as:

  • If average is greater than 80, grade is A.
  • If average is less than 80 and greater than 60, grade is B.
  • If average is less than 60 and greater than 33, grade is C.
  • If average is less than 33, grade is F.

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

Difference Between Nested if and sequence of JavaScript if  statements:

The nested if statement may contain multiple JavaScript if statement s that may be nested up to any level. Some JavaScript if statements are executed while others may be skipped.

In a sequence of JavaScript if statements, multiple if statements are written one after the other. All if statements are executed in order and no if statement is skipped.

For example, to find whether a number is positive, negative or zero, a script is given below in which three if statements are used in a sequence.

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

In the above script, three if statements are given in a sequence. Suppose the user enters a positive number. The number is tested with first JavaScript if statement. The answer is true because the number is positive. The message is displayed in the browser window as you can see in the above example image. after displaying the message, the other two if statement will also be executed. Although the answers to these two JavaScript if statements will be false. There is no need to executed these JavaScript if statements. These statements be skipped. Otherwise the processor of the computer has to consume extra time without any purpose. The’ JavaScript if -else-if’ structure can be used to handle this kind of situation.

JavaScript if -else-if Statement:

When a JavaScript if-else statement is placed within another JavaScript if-else statement, it is referred to as ‘JavaScript if -else-if’ structure. The if-else-if structure is also referred to as nest ‘ if-else’ structure.

The nested if-else structure is used to select one of many blocks of code to be executed. This structure uses multiple test conditions and multiple blocks of statements. When any given test condition is true, the block if statements under that condition is executed and control exits from the nested if-else structure.

The general syntax of the nested if-else structure is:

If (condition-1)


else if (condition-2)


else if (condition-m)




in the above mentioned structure, the conditions are evaluated from the top and if one of them is true, the corresponding block of statements is executed and other conditions are skipped. The use of “else” part of condition-m is optional.

In the above script, ‘JavaScript if -else-if’ structure is used. Suppose the user enters a positive number. The number is tested with JavaScript if statement. The answer is true because the number is positive. The message is displayed in the browser window and the rest f the conditions will be skipped.

Example write javascript code to input average marks of student and find out grade using nested if-else statement:

The criteria of grades are:

  • If average is greater than or equal to 90, grade is “A+”.
  • If average is greater than or equal to 80 and less than 90, grade is “A”.
  • If average is greater than or equal to 70 and less than 80, grade is “B”.
  • If average is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 70, grade is “C”.
  • If average is greater than or equal to 50 and less than 60, grade is “D”.
  • If average is greater than or equal to 40 and less than 50, grade is “E”.
  • Otherwise “Fail”.

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

JavaScript Switch Statement:

Although the nested if-else statement is used for multiple selections but it becomes complicated for large number of choices.

The switch statement is used as a substitute of nested if-else statement. It is used when multiple choices are given and one choice is to be selected. For example, this statement is used for menu selection.

The switch statement contains only one expression at its beginning and multiple case (each case contains a set of statements) within its body. One of the case (or block of statements) is selected for execution depending upon the value returned by this expression.

The general syntax of the switch statement is:

switch (expression)


Case label-1:

Set of statement-1


Case label-2:

Set of statement-2



Set of statements-n






It is a keyword of javascript. It indicates the beginning of switch statement.


It is an expression. it may be a single variable or an arithmetic expression. the value returned by the expression must be an integer of a single character. It must not be a floating point value (or any other type of data). When switch statement is executed, the given expression is first evaluated. The value returned by the expression is compared successively with label-1, label-2-,-,-, until a match is found. If a case matches with the value returned by expression, then the block of statements following that case is executed until the ‘break’ statement is encountered. All other blocks are skipped.

Label-1, label-2:

Represent the labels for the cases. They may be numeric constant values or character constant values. All case labels must be different. The value returned by expression must be same as the data type of labels.


It is keyword of javascript. If the value returned by the expression is not matched to any on to the labels of the cases then the “set of statements-n” following ‘default’ is executed. The default part of  ‘switch’ statement is optional.

Flowchart of JavaScript switch Statement:

JavaScript if

The switch statement can be used within another switch selection statement, it is called the nested switch statement. The case constant values of the inner and the outer switch statement may contain common values.

Break Statement:

The ‘break’ statement is used to exit from the body the switch statement (or loop structure). After executing this statement, execution control is transferred to the statement that comes immediately after the switch statement (or loop structure).

In the switch statement, the break statement is normally used at the end of the statement in each case. If all break statements are omitted from the switch statement, then the statement of all the remaining cases that come after the matched case are also executed in sequential order.

Example how to use switch case in JavaScript to displayed the corresponding name of the  day by entering from 1 to 7:

JavaScript if

JavaScript if

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