Arduino Basic Tutorial

Arduino String Variables with Examples


In the world of Arduino programming, understanding how to work with string variables is crucial. String variables allow you to store and manipulate text, making it easier to create dynamic and interactive projects. In this guide, we will explore the basics of Arduino string variables, their usage, and some practical examples to help you get started.

Arduino String Variables

What is a String Variable?

A string variable is a data type that represents a sequence of characters. It is used to store and manipulate text in Arduino programming. Strings can be used to hold words, sentences, or any other combination of characters.

Declaring and Initializing a String Variable

To declare and initialize a string variable in Arduino, you can use the following syntax:

In this example, we declare a string variable named “myString” and assign it the value “Hello, Arduino!”. The double quotes indicate that the value is a string.

Manipulating String Variables

Once you have declared and initialized a string variable, you can perform various operations on it.

Arduino String Variables Concatenation

Concatenation is the process of combining two strings into one. In Arduino, you can use the “+” operator to concatenate strings. Here’s an example:

In this example, we concatenate the “firstName”, a space, and the “lastName” to create the “fullName” string variable.

Find the Length of the Arduino String Variables

To determine the length of a string variable, you can use the “length()” function. It returns the number of characters in the string. Here’s an example:

In this example, the “stringLength” variable will store the value 16, as there are 16 characters in the “myString” variable.

Arduino String Variables Comparison

You can compare two string variables using the “==” operator. It returns true if the strings are equal and false otherwise. Here’s an example:

In this example, the “isMatch” variable will be true, as the “password” and “userInput” strings are equal.

Using String Variables in Arduino Projects

Now that you have a good understanding of Arduino string variables, let’s explore how you can use them in your projects.

Displaying Text on an LCD Screen

If you are using an LCD screen with your Arduino, you can use string variables to display dynamic text. Here’s an example:

In this example, we include the “LiquidCrystal” library and initialize the LCD screen. The “message” string variable holds the text we want to display on the LCD screen. In the setup function, we begin the LCD and print the message.

Sending Text via Serial Communication

If you want to send text from your Arduino to another device via serial communication, string variables can be used. Here’s an example:

In this example, we initialize the serial communication and send the “message” string variable via the Serial.println() function.


Arduino string variables are a powerful tool for working with text in your projects. By understanding how to declare, initialize, and manipulate string variables, you can create dynamic and interactive Arduino applications. Whether you are displaying text on an LCD screen or sending messages via serial communication, string variables are an essential part of your Arduino programming toolkit.

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